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Your Information Source for Insurance Coverage Denials & Disputes

Navigating insurance claims is complicated, and dealing with denials is frustrating to say the least. Learn what you need to know here to be successful on your claim.

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The More You Need Preventive Care Coverage, the More Likely Your Claim Will Be Denied, Study Finds

Posted by: Insurance | News Desk September 30, 2024
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This September, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published its findings based on a large cohort study of more than a million and a half patients seeking preventive care. The results, published in JAMA Network Open on September 18, reveal that at-risk patients experience claim denials at higher rates than other groups. At-risk populations were defined in the study to include patients with low incomes, those without a high school degree or education beyond high school, and racial and ethnic minority groups. Ironically, preventive care is often free to more affluent groups with better health plans, while at-risk populations experience barriers in the form of cost-sharing requirements, administrative obstacles, and the denial of claims. Read More

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What to Do if Your Life Insurance Claim Is Denied?

Posted by: Insurance | News Desk September 5, 2024
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Life insurance is a critical safety net for many families, providing financial stability during difficult times. While the majority of claims submitted are ultimately paid, a small number of claims get turned down every year. If this happens to you, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the steps you can take to contest the denial.

Understanding the Reason for Denial

The first step in addressing a denied life insurance claim is to understand why the claim was rejected. Insurance companies are required to provide a detailed explanation of the denial, usually in the form of a denial letter. Common reasons for life insurance claim denials include... Read More

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Tricks Insurance Companies Use to Delay or Deny Your Health Insurance Claim

Posted by: Insurance | News Desk July 1, 2024
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Health insurance is essential for protecting individuals and families from the financial burdens of medical expenses. However, navigating the claims process can often be frustrating, especially when insurance companies use unfair tactics to delay or deny claims. Understanding these tactics can empower policyholders to advocate for themselves and ensure they receive the coverage they are entitled to. Here are some common tricks insurance companies use to delay or deny health insurance claims. Read More

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Getting Your Life Insurance Claim Paid (or Denied) Starts When You Apply for Insurance in the First Place

Posted by: Insurance | News Desk June 1, 2024
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For most people, applying for life insurance occurs when they are young and healthy, and the prospect of death is a remote, abstract event that will hopefully occur far into the future. Even though death may occur years or decades into the future, it’s a common practice for insurance companies presented with a claim to pull up that application, dust it off, and look for any errors or omissions they can use to deny the claim. It’s important to know this at the outset and take the application process seriously; not only will it determine your rates and acceptance, but it could impact the success of a claim years down the road. Read More

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